Project description
UVSER is an easy-to-install continuous air disinfection device using UV-C lamps. It efficiently purifies air and surfaces without contact and without the use of chemicals.
It eliminates viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms because UV-C can penetrate the cells of these pathogens and their genetic code.
UVSER eliminates/inactivates various types of micro-organisms
- Coronaviruses
- Viruses (e.g. PRRS, Influenza A, Herpes, Hepatitis A, Rotavirus)
- Bacteria (e.g. Clostridium Difficile, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella)
How it works
UV-C radiation kills viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms because it can penetrate the cells of these pathogens and their genetic code.
Wavelengths in the UV-C range are particularly damaging to cells because they are absorbed by proteins, RNA and DNA.
UV-C light causes DNA to mutate and/or break at a wavelength of 254nm. UV-C breaks the molecular bonds within the DNA of micro-organisms. By producing thymine dimers in the DNA, UV-C is destroying the micro-organisms and inhibiting their growth and reproduction, rendering them harmless. When DNA is damaged, the organism cannot reproduce/multiplicate, preventing it from causing infections.
Device tested by INTA
The Technical Evaluation carried out in Spain by the National Institute of Aerospace Technology - INTA - on the UVSER-S device, in which the luminous intensity was analyzed and the UV-C radiation was measured, observed that:
- Ozone measurements do not indicate ozone generation
- Measurements of ionization generation do not indicate ionization
Thus concluding that after the measurement of all parameters, it can be observed that the received UV-C dose varies between 7.8 and 12 mJ. According to the required intensity data, the UVSER-S device is capable of eliminating SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in a medium type room.
The dose received allows the elimination/inactivation of various types of micro-organisms
- Coronaviruses
- Viruses (e.g. PRRS, Influenza A, Herpes, Hepatitis A, Rotavirus)
- Bacteria (e.g. Clostridium Difficile, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella)
- Spores produced by mould
To reduce the viral load, continuous operation rather than shock treatment is advisable, in the same way that a system of maintaining environmental parameters works.