How to Select the Right Flexible Bollard for Your Project

Over the years, SERNIS has developed a range of flexible bollards for different kind of applications. They are used to form physical and visual barriers that guide vehicles, prevent access to restricted areas, regulate pedestrian and vehicular traffic and improve landscaping and design. They can also warn pedestrians about crosswalks lights.
All SERNIS Flexible Bollards are Certified (CE mark)- EN12899-3.
Throughout this article, we will give you the information that you need to select the right flexible bollard for your project.

1. Select the Range

The first step to select the right flexible bollard is to found out what is the best range that suits the needs of your project. Explore A Complete Guide to Flexible Bollards to find out the details about each flexible bollard type.

2. Select the Size

Now that you know what range you need, the next step is to select the size according to your needs

3. Select the Color

Color is another crucial factor to consider when choosing a flexible bollard. Some colors, such as green, yellow, and orange, are intended to be very noticeable. Color choices can also help a company reinforce its branding by allowing it to match the color of its brand with its flexible bollards. SR-CITY-BALI have specific colors to specific applications, the grey version was developed to replace traditional steel bollards and its brown version to replace wood posts.
Even though a bollard's primary purpose is to provide physical protection, a high-visibility hue can allow it to serve as both a barrier and a visual marker.

4. Select the Anchor

SR-BALI anchors are available in 3 types: SR-A12022 (A1 - Aluminum), SR-A6050 (A2 - Aluminum), SR-S11622 (A3 - Galvanized Steel). Anchors allow bollards to be installed directly into the ground and make the installation easier, allowing the bollard to absorb contact from accidents while limiting damage to both the bollard and the vehicle.

5. Select the Reflective Tape

You can select between white and yellow 3M reflective tape with high reflectivity. You can also select the quantity of reflective tape that you want (according to the size and type of flexible bollard).
Reflective tapes have strong adherence, are made of durable materials and provide bright, vivid retro reflectivity at wide angles to help improve the daytime or nighttime visibility of flexible bollards.

6. Select the Glass Elements

You can add ribbons with reflective glass elements  (applied on top and/or bottom). This option provides greater visibility at night.

7. Select the Special Features

Selected flexible bollards ranges have the possibility to have a top part that lights up at night without the need for power. The Glow in the Dark feature allows this flexible bollard to store ambient light throughout the day and then re-emit this stored energy.  SR-CITY-BALI-TL has LEDs on top that change according to pedestrian traffic lights.

8. Select the Accessories

To make SR-BALI maintenance easier, SERNIS developed three accessories.
SR-BALI Rubber Washer and Plastic Washer are rings made of rubber or plastic to improve the maintenance process. It must be installed at the bottom of the bollard to prevent ingress of glue to the base.
SR-BALI Maintenance Accessory is used for maintenance procedures of the bollards, making it easier to attach or detach the bollard from the pavement.

Flexible Bollards from SERNIS (SR-BALI, SR-BALI-LF and SR-CITY-BALI) have the certificate of constancy of performance No 1020-CPR-090-044039 in compliance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council of 9 March 2011 (the Construction Products Regulation or CPR).

Contact SERNIS sales team to find the flexible bollard ideal for your project.